June 2016


45 years ago, which would have been 1971, God led 4 pastors together to pray for the Fox Valley of WI. One of those pastors was a man named R.A. Pegram.

I believe, in response to those prayers, God created a boy and a girl that he would one day unite together to do this work and live on mission in the Fox Valley.

In 1974-3 years after the first prayers of those 4 pastors in 1971, God knit together a boy in his mother’s womb. He made the boy with this very purpose in mind (to one day live in the Fox Valley and be God’s mouthpiece, proclaiming the gospel, and planting churches). He gave him a personality that would be liked by many.  He sewed into him the ability to socialize and gave him a love for relationships. He gave him a tender heart that would be sensitive to the feelings of those he would one day call him to love, and serve, and shepherd. He gave him the trait of flexibility that he would need to lead a large group of people. He gifted him with the natural ability to be up in front of people and communicate effectively.  Leadership qualities were ingrained into him.

Along with this, God made him in such a way that he would be a quick thinker and a great story teller.  As God formed this boy, he added musical talents and counseling abilities with a heart after his creator to help others.  God formed this boy in his mother’s womb ON PURPOSE,  FOR A PURPOSE.  He gave him everything he would need, even down to his youthful spirit and appearance!  God looked at this boy he created and said, “It is good!”  He then led his parents to name him-JASON- which in Hebrew means “Healer”, and he would use this boy as he became a man to bring healing to the Fox Valley, through the power of Jesus Christ that would one day dwell within him.

8 years after the prayers of those faithful pastors (1979) God created the girl he would unite with JASON to carry out His plans.  He knit her also with everything she would need to love and serve the people and proclaim the name of Jesus. He built into her a tender and compassionate heart with a strong desire to be different. She would be drawn to things bigger than herself. He gave her an introverted personality that would lead her to strong personal loyalties to those she would love. He gave her strong desires to be a wife and a mother.  He built her with traits of leadership as well.  God mixed into her personality traits of responsibility and organization. He built into her a great depth and a longing for things with meaning.  God knew that this girl would need these qualities as she developed into a woman and he called her to love and serve the people.  God then led her parents to name her-MARSHA- which means “war-like” because she would be trained by God to fight for the souls of those God loved and those God would call her to in the “heart of the Valley”.  She would fight for the people’s salvation and for their intimacy with Christ.  She would not give up when it came to spiritual matters with the people.  Her allegiance would be to Christ, and she would be used by God to fight- through prayer and the Word of God- against the spiritual powers of darkness.

God had Jason and Marsha grow up 2 1/2 hours away from each other in opposite worlds. One in the heart of the city.  One in the heart of the country.  Then he crossed their paths together and Jason and Marsha got married.  At that exact time God sent R.A. Pegram’s son, Rom Pegram, to Markesan, WI to be the new pastor of the church Jason/Marsha were seeking to get married in.  R.A. Pegram was one of the four praying pastors that gathered together in 1971. God sent R.A.’s son not only to marry them, but to mentor them and set them on a path toward Jesus Christ.  God laid it on Rom and his wife’s heart to pray for Jason and Marsha every day for the next 15 years!

After 4 years or so in Markesan, God then moved Rom/Jane to Dodgeville,WI and Jason and Marsha  to Terrace Shores Church where God brought them around people their own age, and they built more lifelong relationships.  It was a time of great spiritual nourishment and where God showed them more of the gifts he had given them.  It was a wonderful time of continued growth with the Lord.

Jason feels the call into full time ministry. God then picks up Jason and Marsha (and their 2 boys) and says “now it’s time” and He moves them to Kimberly, WI- right in the "Heart" of the Fox Valley!  

For the next 7 years God led them on a path where they would earn an advanced degree in the University of Adversity.  He took them through what some call “the Joseph Pit Experience” where they were taught to endure and persevere through hardships.  Their hearts were tested through their trials. Their lives were turned upside down to where comfort was a thing of the past. Their future at many times was uncertain to them.

God led them through their own wilderness time. He brought them to a state of utter dependence on Him alone.  He trained them and He prepared them to have the spiritual muscle they would need for what lie ahead.

At the beginning of 2014 Jason and Marsha sensed God leading them into a new season.  God was leading them to something, but it was not time yet for that particular something. They would have to wait 2 more years while God continued to use difficulty to refine them.

Then in 2016 God said “now it’s time.  I want you to begin to plant a church in Kimberly.”  Jason and Marsha were approved by the church planting assessment team (EFCA) in December 2015 and their feet hit the pavement in January 2016 to begin the planting process of Village Community Church! A church that God set forth to be a gospel centered, expository teaching church that exists to love people and proclaim the gospel. A church that is dedicated to planting more churches throughout the heart of the valley!  

And God moved R.A. Pegram’s son, Rom, and his wife Jane to the Lomira area where they are close to the Fox Valley and continue to be a part of the Greater Picture and Plan that God is carrying out!!

All who join with us in support get to be a part of something bigger than themselves!  A part of what God has been doing and is going to do!!!!!  What a thrill!

"We are humbled and excited to serve God and be a part of watching God build his church here in the Valley!" ~Jason/Marsha 

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