Thursday, October 3, 2013


Do you ever notice how we all like to walk around with masks on?   Believing that if we leave the masks on long enough they will become the truth of who we really are.

I recently have been through a long season of God peeling my mask back. The mask that I didn't even know I was so desperately trying to keep on.  I've wanted to believe that I can be strong...I can keep everything going.  I can keep trying to be superwoman...keep a clean house everyday, be a great mom, be a great wife, come up with the right way to discipline my kids,  put a good meal on the table, etc...etc.  All while dealing with the immense stresses that can come up in life.  I eventually came to a point where I was so weak that my mask was disinigrating.

How about you?  If you are honest, do you have a mask on that you'd really like to be released from?

In the reality of my life getting harder and harder, and the weight of burdens, I began to see my true condition leaking out from under the mask.  Leaking out in ugly ways.  I didn't like what I was seeing and feeling.  Seeing this condition more and more in the light has been very humbling for me.

Here's where the truth comes in.  The answer to our question, "WHO AM I?"- We are all a people made in the image of God stricken with a sin condition.         

We are all sinners walking around tainted with the same condition.  No more burden of comparing.  It's the comparing of others' outward lives to our inward lives that forms the masks we so desperately need to be freed from.

What do you see in the depths of your heart?  Do you recognize a mask that's making it hard for you to see your true condition?

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